Thursday, September 29, 2005

More Questions?

I am the sort of person who has a lot of question marks in life. My writing too is filled with many question marks. Five of my previous posts had question marks in their headings [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]. So I thought why not I list down some of the question marks that are going through my mind right now? Some of them would be personal (but I guess will relate to everyone).

Q1. What do I want to do? (in all senses)

Q2. What is love? (the eternal question?)

Q3. What is nationalism all about? Why don’t I have this feeling in me?

Q3. Why don’t people get bored of K-serials?

Q4. Why don’t we see more marriages between older women and younger men?

Q5. Why do we idolize people on the basis of what they have achieved than what they are? (Actors/Artistes/Players/Businessmen). I am questioning the whole concept of being a “fan” of someone.

Q6. Is culture defined? If so, Who defines culture? Rather How is culture defined?

Q7. Why am I writing all these questions?

Questions Questions Questions … And no answers right now.
But I know one thing. By articulating all these questions, I have dug a hole for myself. Now my small brain will be forced to ponder over these things for better or for worse instead of freaking out with the salary I just got. :(


Sayesha said...

Interesting questions, Ravi. :)

And I am still waiting for your "sensible" comment on the baby post! :D

Ravi said...

Alas those questions will remain just questions for a while. No answers.

Baby post has been sensibly replied to. Enjoy :)

Ravi said...


The answer to the love question was helpful. I was wondering if I have this feeling in me. Now I am sure I am capable of loving. But somehow I get the feeling that this answer was hardly complete. I guess no definition of love will ever be...

Nationalism is that feeling that I do not experience. Defining it the way you have gives an outsiders perspective to it. But I still do not know what it really means.

Dinesh Babuji said...

This is thought provoking. So I shall let my brain cells be free and take rest as they always do. If u do find the answers let me know. ;-)

Ravi said...

Thank God I am over it now. An answer of sorts is available at Booletpoint for the K-serials thing. :)